Saturday, November 29, 2008

AIDS awareness

Enter AIDS education: there are many ways that volunteers work to promote AIDS awareness and education. They do radio shows, theater, classes, tours of villages, presentations, and clinics...there is an annual AIDS bikende in Niger, when volunteers ride through several villages, doing skits and shows along the way. Next month a friend of mine, JT, is organizing a similar tour of villages in my region. He and I and a few other volunteers are going to work with some CARE representatives to do day-long presentations at each site. We'll do a day in my village; and knowing how quickly a crowd gathers at the sight of another white person, I'm sure we'll have quite an audience. I'm really looking forward to helping out, whether it means acting in a skit, handing out condoms, or even just providing food for the CARE folks. I'll let you know how it goes.

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