Thursday, March 6, 2008

We'll start with the second letter.

Jessica's very first letter from Niger was sent during the second week of January, but sadly it never arrived. Then we received a classic Peace Corps letter telling us of her first bout of illness, of which she concludes:

...WOW! And you know, not all of it was awful. Lots of people visited me and made me laugh & laughed at me & put cold wet towels on my head. Plus I got to watch some "tv" on Jennifer's iPod which she left with me overnight, and I ended up sleeping for SIX straight hours, which is approximately 3x longer than I have slept since I got here. The infirmary had a blessed absence of donkeys, radios, & howling dogs, thus I had peace & quiet. Anyway, I am on FIVE medications now, & I think I'm on the mend. Needless to say, your letters helped a lot!
Last night I dreamed Eddy and Reuben (the family dogs) were kissing my face! It was so sweet. I've had several dreams in which I am preparing to leave for Niger--you two are usually in them helping me get ready. Then I wake up & I'm here, and its all a bit disorienting. Sometimes I get confused in the middle of the night--like "How did I get here so fast, and when did I decide to do this, and why?" It's that last question that gets confusing, especially when I am exhausted from being in class all day and around people nearly constantly. I've found time for myself occasionally alone, but not enough-mostly just on runs (which are a mere 20 minutes because it's hot/dry/windy/dusty), and at night after dinner, which is when I write to you.

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